Thursday, June 19, 2008

The sunlight conquers darkness-gradually

Have you ever watch the sun come up? A sunrise is the most glorious if you are in the country or on the beach away for the light pollution of the city. Either way, it's an amazing thing to watch. It's interesting how the sunlight conquers the darkness little by little. It's doesn't suddenly become daylight like a switch being turned on. It's gradual. And, there is no doubt that the sun will shine. We don't have to stand at the window each morning wondering if the sun will come up; we have faith that it will. We expect it to arrive. You can go about your everyday life while the sun is coming up. You can fix breakfast, make your bed, watch the early news, take a shower - anything you need to do. It never occurs to us to "worry" about whether or not we will see sunlight.

That's the way it is with expecting change in our life. Most of the time, change doesn't happen instantly. You can't lose 20 pounds by snapping your fingers (though I wish I could). You can't improve your relationship with you husband or children in one day. After all, such problems usually don't develop in just one day. Most change takes time but that time is wasted if it is spent worrying about whether or not the change is coming. Also, that time is wasted if you just sit and do nothing while you're waiting for it. Go ahead with your responsibilities, recreation, work, worship, day-to-day life. Change will happen when you seek God and his will for your life. Your relationship with the Creator of the universe becomes deeper gradually. Be patient. God will answer your prayer. Happiness and joy will arrive - in God's time. After all, the sun comes up little by little every morning, doesn't it?

2 Corinthians 3:18 (The Message)
And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.


Heath Countryman said...

I heard about a sunrise once...

Don't those happen really late at night? I just can't stay up that long!

Denise said...

Beyond beautiful, bless you sweetie.