Friday, September 10, 2010

Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado

You and I were created to make a difference. Although no one can do everything, every one can do something. As common everyday Christians, we are called to volunteer and share in order to help a hurting neighbor or community.

The world is full of  hunger and suffering. Many have no access to clean drinking water. The question this book poses is whether or not you and I will live our lives in a clam shell and hide from the pain of mankind or will we do something - anything?

Pastor Max Lucado walks the reader through the teachings of the book of Acts and the examples set by the early followers of Christ regarding compassion and action. Each scripture passage is woven with a retelling of the story in current day terms and then highlighted with real life examples of people who are making a difference.

This is a book that will surely stir your heart to action, as it did mine. As a bonus, a study and action guide is included in the back that can be used for small group discussions.

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