Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Spiritual ADHD

Some days it feels like everything is a battle. Even the simplest things turn out to be so complicated. Relationships are tricky, financial security is elusive, there is never enough time to do what I want and I never have the energy I would like to have. It frustrates me to no end. But God reminded me in his Word that I am not the one who is suppose to be doing all the fighting. It's his job to do the fighting. The battles are his. I need to take a lesson from the Israelites after they fled Egypt. After they left, Pharoah changed his mind about letting them go. He gathered his army and charged after them to bring them back. When the Israelites saw the Egyptians coming they got scared and told Moses that they would be better off as slaves to Pharoah than to die in the desert. Then Moses said: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."(Ex. 14:14) Isn't that the hardest part? Being still! How many times does God have to tell me that? "Be still and know that I am God"(Psalm 46:10). I think I have spiritual ADHD because I struggle with the being still part. So what's my job? My job is to ask for the daily grace to be still. Open the eyes of my heart Lord so that I can see you fighting my battles. Forgive me for fighting first and turning to You second.

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